
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cheat Day

Hello friends
Well yesterday was a good day!! I reached my first 5 pound loss, I did reach 189.8 which is under the 190's however I knew that it would go up a little bit after dinner and such so I am now still 190 which is fine with me as I just hope to make it solidly into the 180's for April 1st which is this week (I cannot believe it!). Also yesterday I got 2 job interviews YES 2! I got an interview for Old Navy and also for Loblaws which is a grocery store here. I have worked in a grocery store for 10 years so I hope that unless I completely screw up in the interview that I should hopefully get the job. The Old Navy job is a group interview and I think it is just an info session but the lady said that she would be setting up one on one interviews. Both my interviews are on Monday so I will keep everyone posted. I would rather get these then the one I have been waiting to hear about, the money would be about the same and with these jobs I could continue to work them throughout school whereas the other job ends in August. So I really hope I could do both since they are both part time but I just hope they are both accommodating to my schedule. Has anyone worked at either of these places before?

My sister came last night, it was awesome to see her and we had fun. We went to dinner and I ate really well, I had a quarter rotisserie chicken (white meat) and a side of pasta, I ate half the chicken and half the pasta, then had a garden salad and diet coke. So I was proud of this! I normally would eat the entire plate. However I did have some bread but I told myself that I was fine with this and I really enjoyed it and was only up about .4 after dinner which is not bad at all. Then after dinner we came back and watched The Blind Side it is a great movie, I highly recommend it for sure. Such a good story, if I had the money to do what these people did I totally would. It takes special people to take someone into their home. I love Sandra Bullock too and she was great in the movie, I think all of you should watch it :) My sister was all happy that my cat Frank snuggled with her all night, her cat never snuggles and she begs him to, so she was so happy that Frank slept with her all night, such a good snuggly kitty. Then today we went to the mall because she wanted to go to Lu Lu Lemon but we did not find much, she bought me a CD (new Beyonce) and wanted to buy me something at Lu Lu Lemon but I do not like people spending that kind of money on me so I told her I could not find anything I liked. She just left a couple hours ago and it was great to see her, and definitely nice to have a visitor!

Today I call cheat day, I have been doing awesome and am having one day to maybe eat a treat or something. I know that if I do not have this kind of day once a week or once every 2 weeks I WILL binge, I know this for a fact. So I am going to have pizza tonight, and I am going to LOVE IT. I know how bad it is for me and you know what? I am fine with it because I know tomorrow I am going to work my butt off and do the same all week. This week I pledge to drink lots of water and work out 4 times!

Happy Saturday :)


  1. Congrats on the loss!

    Having a cheat day is a good idea, that way you know you can have the -whatever- and not get stressed or feel like you are falling off plan.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. cheat days are great! I am new to blogging, but I have through all the diets I've been on, I've always made sure to have a cheat day once in awhile so I don't go crazy. good job on your progress and your job status! I know how hard it is to get a job, especially with the economy how it is. :) kudos again!

  4. hey girls
    yes I think a cheat day is essential for me just because I know myself and I am prone to binging and I think this is the best way for me to keep up the progress! yes the job situation right now is desperate!! It is way harder to get a job then it ever has been for me anyways. So lets hope something pans out this week :)
    thanks for the congrats!

  5. Congratulations on the loss! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

  6. I am so stoked that you have two job interviews on Monday. I am right there with you on the needing the job part of life! I had a cheat day today too, and the difference with me is I have never had one. It felt amazing, and though I ate a little too much I do not feel guilty. I will be hitting it hard to get where I want to be by Easter - 155!!! So glad I found you! Keep it up!

